
yogaYoga is non-impact, barefoot (optional) workout that mixes the slow, flowing movements of dance with the concentration, focus, balance and muscular strength of the martial arts and the breathing, stretching and relaxation techniques.

The Fitness Plaza practices Ashtanga style yoga that incorporates exercises that enhance flexibility, breathing while decreasing stress and maintaining health. The mind, through relaxation, is engaged with the focus of cleansing and strengthening the body that, in turn, maintains and improves ones health.

The Yoga Stretch is often referred to as a static stretch. Unlike dynamic stretching, static stretching involves positioning the body so that specific muscles, or groups of muscles, are stretched and then held in this position for anywhere from several seconds to several minutes. This allows the muscles to relax and release, increasing their length without force. Yoga stretching is slow and controlled and aims for balance, rather than aiming for a predetermined degree of flexibility. Even though the body is relaxed, there is a lot of muscle activity occurring.

See class descriptions for a complete account of the styles and types of yoga classes offered.

Today’s Classes

  • 5:30 am - Cycling
  • 8:30 am - Silver Sneakers
  • 9:00 am - Power Toning
  • 9:30 am - Power Barre
  • 10:30 am - Dance & Tone
  • 4:30 pm - SOUL FUSION
  • 4:30 pm - Forever Fit
  • 5:30 pm - Step N More
  • 6:30 pm - Zumba